Thursday, December 23, 2010

My New Blog!

Hey all!
So, this is my very first post on my new blog and I'm so excited to see something I've been wanting to do for awhile finally come together!

Here's the lowdown...I'm doing a 365 outfits in 365 days type deal. I will be posting what I'm wearing everyday for the next year starting tomorrow! I am dedicated to this project; no matter how awful I may look that day (because there will be days where I'm sick, traveling, or going to my job where I work with small children) I will be posting a picture. In each post I'll also list where I got each item I'm wearing along with the approximate cost of each item. Also, I will probably occasionally post things that inspire me and that most likely will make me spend more money that I don't have :-P



  1. This is so cool! I always get sick of trying to make up outfits maybe I will borrow a few ideas ;)

  2. I'm glad you both are enjoying it! :D :D


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